Sunday, March 30, 2014

GIS4043: Participation Assignment #2, Week 3

The group project recently completed was designed to expose students to the ways in which GIS is used in different kinds of industries. The group to which I belonged focused on the use of GIS in government. In smaller groups, some members produced a list of available GIS jobs in various governments while others wrote a summary of the group's objectives which was then added to the UWF GIS Group #2 ~ Government's Map Gallery created by the group leader. To the Map Gallery each group member added a map which shows the location of the case study which that member chose to summarize.

The map I contributed to the government group's Map Gallery shows the location of the city of Alexandria, Virginia.  Alexandria is the site of the case study "Alexandria, Virginia Gets Serious about Park and Play Space Improvements" which I summarized for an individual assignment. The case study revolved around the goal of combating childhood obesity by determining where play spaces needed to be added or improved to ensure that every young child in Alexandria would have access to an adequate play area.

This group project enabled students to have the experience of working together toward a common goal by dividing a project into parts.

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