Friday, February 7, 2014

GIS4043 ArcGIS Online and Map Packages

This lab focused on developing and submitting map packages to ArcGIS online. It has been the most time-consuming lab to date for me.  One map package featured climbing areas and points of interest in Yosemite Valley, while the other focused on the study of trees in the Aguirres Springs drainage.  These procedures are valuable, but I can see that much more practice is needed, so that far less time is spent on referencing multiple sources of help to determine exactly what is needed and how that can be accomplished.  This lab also reinforced that knowing exactly what outcome, result or product is expected must be very clear.  If the goal is not readily determined, prompt clarification must be requested.  This would be of benefit to the producer as well as the client.  The ability to use map packages will be very beneficial, and I'm looking forward to the time when completing similar tasks will be second-nature.
Submittal:  Overview of Map and Tile Packages

Submittal:  Optimize a Map Package

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